Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Wasootch Peak
- Location: Kananaskis Country (Highway 40)
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,352 m (7,717 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,260 m (4,134 ft)
- Distance: 9.4 km / Loop (5.8 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 15.0°
- Estimated Time: 6-9 hrs
- Technicality: Intermediate (expert.1 to Kananaskis Peak)
- Fitness Level: Hard
Red line is the actual track I took up to where I went which was recorded by my GPS. Bushwhacking required. I suggest to get to the creek as fast as you can after Kananaskis Peak and get back to the trail for Wasootch on the way back.
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Wasootch Peak to Kananaskis Peak travers with stop at unnamed GR345444. Wasootch Peak is also called G8 Summit. Looking at Kananaskis Valley.
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Left is Wasootch and Right is Kananaskis Peak.
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Me getting the peak of Wasootch with a Hollywood style smile.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Kananaskis Peak
- Location: Kananaskis Country (Highway 40)
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,419 m (7,937 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,260 m (4,134 ft)
- Distance: 9.4 km / Loop (5.8 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 15.0°
- Estimated Time: 6-9 hrs
- Technicality: Expert.2b
- Fitness Level: Hard
Heeelp!! (~д~*)
(Photo by Shaun Luong)
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Crux. Go up the line my pole is pointing.
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Shaun going top of the rock.
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Just enough width for my foot to walk this exposed sidewalk. (can’t see the drop with this picture)
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Power Rangers!! Hahaha this picture is priceless.
(Photo by Shuan Luong)
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Towards Kananaskis Peak. The ridge we hiked behind.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Don't fall… Don't worry, I was wearing the incredible Hulk gloves.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Mark peeking the cliff. Don't worry we were wearing helmets, should protect us.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
View from the summit. This view shows most of the route we took. Mouse over to see the route.
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
There aren't too many names to show, but I have to show 2 peaks. Old Baldy and Mount McDougall. I know Mark, the ridge walker, is a faithful scramble books reader. I bet he sleeps with the books. But just in case he doesn't know, we can go all the way to McDougall by just staying on this ridge. That's like 10 hrs of ridge walking. Just, just in case he doesn't know. Just in case.
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Great picture of both peaks we did. Kananaskis peak seems very impressive from here. Did we really came down there?
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
Down climb…
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
Wasootch to Kananaskis Peak | 2009-08-08
I will never follow Mark, I will never follow Mark, I will never follow Mark…