Turtle Mountain 10 | 2010-11-14

I had a plan to go to Mount Tecumseh. Start early under dark and finish early afternoon so that I could go back to Calgary and attend club members only MEC discount event. But generous egg, bacon, and toast offer from my Canadian family, I couldn’t resist saying no and ended up chatting after. I had to change my plan to shorter hike, Turtle Mountain.
While I was away from Canada for 10 years trails in Crowsnest area definitely developed. Turtle is one of these. You can see rocks painted in yellow to indicate trailhead from parking spot. Follow the trail all the way up to waypoint “Sub Peak”. I guess many people decided to quit at the sub peak due to elevation loss if continue, the trail beyond the sub peak is not as defined, however you don’t need much trail from this point. Just to be careful with big cracks which seem to give up any time to create another land slide (page 4). (Not that you can start a land slide but I mean scrambling wise with route.)
It was a very special day for me. Part of the reason why I wanted to do a peak in Crowsnest Pass where I consider my home town in Canada, is because it was my 100th in 2010. Beginning of this year I set a goal, quest for 90 (Every activity in the Rockies counts. Multiple peaks day which peaks are not connected with ridge counts as multiple, if connected with ridge only counts as 1.) But by the end of September, 90 became too easy, so I bumped it to quest for 100!! Now that I completed 100 activities, I became greedier and I want to do 100 peaks in 2010 (Only successful ascents). I think I need 5 more for that…