Turtle Mountain 09 | 2009-05-17
Red line is the actual track I took up to where I went which was recorded by my GPS.
Red line is the actual track I took up to where I went which was recorded by my GPS.
On the side of trail there is familiar looking rocks. I call them mini-crow because they look like Crowsnest Mountain and Seven Sisters.
Oh boy at the 2nd picture I already posted false peak. It seems Greg have done this one at least twice. For me I don't remember, maybe 7th?
At the summit. They are monitoring the movement of this mountain. They think Turtle Mountain may slide again.
Coming down to the gap between the false peak and true summit. We took quite many picture here.
See the slide?
Here is first-class view of Frank Slide.
I don't have life insurance. Oh wait, I guess it doesn't matter if I fall from this altitude. Where is my skateboard? I am going for broke.
Hard to imagine how it was when the slide occurred.
The last photo from Turtle. The cloud is kinda beautiful.