Turbine Canyon Campground | 2008-09-05
Pink line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS.
Pink line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS.
It's been more than a decade that I went backpacking. We knew the weather would be cold rain close to freezing temperature but I didn't care much.
It was about 18 km (11 miles) hike. Up to Fork campground was easy but after that it became all uphill walking. I guess there is a reason why they made Fork campground.
After a long uphill finally we got even part. I always love grass land like here. The lake is called Lawson Lake.
Six hours after we stated we arrived Turbine Canyon campground. It was funny feeling by taking backpack off from my shoulders. I felt like I was being pulled towards sky. Took a while to get balance right. By the way from left, John, Kevin, and another John.
Why eating outside makes food taste so good even weather like this.
Hard work for today was done. We went checking around the camp site. We were just following this little creek and then John called us.
And this was what we found. Cannot imagine the little creek it seems nowadays must have been a rapid and violent water way to create such an extraordinary canyon.
Day 2. Early morning before sunrise.
Warmth of sun light was coming down on us.
Me and Mount Black Prince.
Yesterday's thick clouds were gone at least for a little while and bright sunlight indicating East.
Another shot of the canyon from other side.
Day 3. Temperature kept dropping from first day to second day to the third day.
Day 3 was the best weather and had a lot of sun. Too bad day 3 was the day to go home. On the way back at Lawson lake. The long mountain is Mount Black Prince. It's loooooong.
I believe it's Mount Putnik. Could be Mount Beatty…
Better visibility, I could see far mountains unlike the day 1.
North face of Mount Lyautey and Lyautey Glacier. Fork is at the bottom of the mountain.
Now Kevin and I posses equipment needed for backpacking. We are planning to do more next year. Hopefully next Trace can join us.