The Wedge | 2012-06-30

If you are wondering the combination of weather and work pretty much prevented me to go to mountains for last 2 months. I only managed to get out half day on the July long weekend. My pick was the Wedge.
It is little difficult to find the right trail from trailhead. I don't really remember clearly now but there should be a paved walkway to Wedge Pond where I heard you can see bikini girls if you are lucky. Anyway right around where the walkway becomes downhill, there should a sign (I took picture of it on page 2). Look around there you should find the trailhead. The problem I found was the trail separates in few ways... On the way up, I took wrong path and I had to bushwhack until I found the trail again. So good luck! Once on the right trail, it was well defined and took me to the bottom of a steep alpine slope.
NE Slope:
Typical steep rubble slope in the Rockies (page 6). The slope is quite wide that each person should be able to take different path if they choose to prevent rock fall hazardous. It is slog but shot slog.
All of my friends came back from the Wedge were disappointed. They said the Wedge was too easy (doesn't mean "easy" scramble easy). I agree for a peak rated difficult, the difficult section was rather short and rest of ridge was moderate.