Tent Ridge | 2011-11-19

I picked a mid-long peak so that I won’t miss 10% off at MEC, since I have tendency to start late on solo days. Another 9 am leave, I headed out to Tent Ridge.
I parked my car somewhere on the way to Shark Parking lot. There is a big opening on the right. The trail started at the other side of the road.
Take Shark Lake Trail for 680 m from the parking lot, then go left for Tent Ridge Trail. Don’t miss the turn! Tent Ridge Trail must be quite well developed trail that even with snow, I could tell the trail most of the time. The trail led me to the bottom of slope.
To Ridge Top:
It’s short scree slope (I don’t mean 30 m but more like 300 m). No route-finding nor hands on scrambling.
The south west corner, just north of The Fist, was the highest point of the ridge only by 15 meters higher from another high point at waypoint “Cairn 2”. Toward the summit, terrain became more like easy scrambling (page 7).
To SSOCS (Space Shuttle Orbiter Communication System):
You can find it at GR153312. Please do not try to communicate astronauts. It costs $1000/min. If you do use it, you will more likely to speak with Russian astronauts, so please make sure you pronounce “r” sound rolled so that Russians will understand you.
Trail will lead all the way. I happened to lose it while I was walking along a creek and ended up bushwhacking little while. So don’t follow my track after getting down treeline.