Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
Sunburst Peaks
- Location: Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,735 m (8,974 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 620 m (2,034 ft)
- Distance: 4.3 km / Round Trip (2.7 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 16.1°
- Estimated Time: 2.5-4 hrs
- Technicality: Advanced
- Fitness Level: Easy
The above stats are from Lake Magog Campground.
After Nub Peak hike, we came back to camp and ate lunch. Little bit rest then went for another scramble. There was a little bit of trail closer to the summit but most of the way up you need to find a way. From the campground, we followed a trail in the camp which goes by section #8, 9, 10. Soon there was another trail which went down to lake shore where there was a bit of opening and we could see Lake Magog. We went off-trail into bush at this point. The bushwhacking only lasted 5 minutes or so then there was a bouldering field (page 3). We scrambled up the bouldering until terrain flattened (small bowl I guess). There are 2 choices. Steep grass/scree slope which leads to more scramble (moderate) on the right (north), or go farther straight (west) towards a big cliff and take a grassy ledge which is easier route. With smart route finding, difficulty can be just a hike on the ledge route. Either way you have to zigzag to above small rockbands (or you can scramble up these rockbands if you’d like) and aim towards a gully (farther west). The gully took us on the top of the flat summit of Sunburst. For route line please see page 2.
Probably the ones I have summated from this backpacking, Sunburst is the closest peak to Assiniboine and again view was superb! Only thing missing was bikini girls at lake shore…
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
Mouseover for route line.
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
After a short bushwhacking, now bouldering.
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
I like afternoon hike. Sunny day like this usually the color becomes so vivid.
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
Grass/scree route. It's quite steep.
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
Aga following my route… Obviously I didn't choose the easiest route. (^ω^*)
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
Next time I will bring binocular in case there are bikini girls at the lake shore.
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
Some interesting looking towers.
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
North face is such a intense cliff all the way to the bottom, but the summit is flat and wide.
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
Insane view from the summit. Mouseover for names.
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
How beautiful my wife is!!
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
Some serious drop. Cerulean Lake (left) and Sunburst Lake (right). If I jump far enough, I might survive by diving into one of the lakes.
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
One more picture of Assiniboine.
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
Group pic. From left, So and Aga. What the simple names, however you don't want t know my Japanese last name or her Polish last name… Mr. and Ms/Mrs. Smith may not realize how painful it is to spell out last name every time someone asks…
Sunburst Peaks | 2010-08-24
Christmas is here!! Tell your old buddy that I said where is my bikini girls!! (`ε´メ)ρ