Spoon Needle North Peak | 2011-03-13

This would be a nice mid-day scramble trip if there wasn’t the bushwhacking from hell and untouchable ridge of death at the true summit block…
Parked at Galatea parking and followed Galatea Creek trail for 1.2 km where there were two bridges in 10 m apart. I went off-route after the first of these two bridges to enter the bushwhacking from hell. It wasn’t just bushwhacking made me miserable. Wet snow by warm weather… I had to wear my waterproof jacket because I bushwhacked, snow fell on me. No trail, I had to break trail. In some spot it was nearly nipple deep. I have to thank trees, however. Because of the trees, I was able to pull myself up every time snow became too deep or slope became too steep. Otherwise I would have turned back. Still all of this is far better than yoyo skiing. After 90 minutes of struggle, ridge became less steep and trees became less dense. Rest of the way was pleasant. It reminded me of Thunder Mountain little bit except Spoon Needle’s ridge is shorter. There are 3 sections of difficulties. First two are easy scrambles. Both are close to ridge top near summit. Particularly the second one has very brief exposure. The last one is the ridge of death I mentioned at the beginning. This one is for crazy climbers or for people with suicide wishes. For normal people like me, I suggest to settle at the second highest point of Spoon Needle which is about probably only few meters lower (I am pretty sure the ridge of death is taller if not then that means I summitted the true peak!).