Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
Serendipity Peak
- Location: Kananaskis Country (South)
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,661 m (8,731 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,270 m (4,167 ft)
- Distance: 13.8 km / Loop (8.6 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 10.4°
- Estimated Time: 5-8 hrs
- Technicality: Intermediate
- Fitness Level: Hard
Above stats are for only to Serendipity Peak. The stats for the entire trip please see page 17.
Despite of thunderstorm forecast through out the day, my usual scramble buddies + Ben decided to go for it. We parked our car at an opening on side of highway about 700 m south of Lineham Creek Parking.
From the parking, we bushwhacked immediately. For most of the way, there was no trail to follow and being in bush and little hills to go round, navigating to the correct direction was bit challenging. Thanks to Bob Spirko’s GPS track, without it we could have been lost… (his tracks are always the best not like my crappy routes!!) Another thanks to him, there were also many ups and downs but it seemed his GPS track led us to the route with the least elevation loss. Around GR614914 finally we found a well established trail and we followed it until start of another downhill. The trail disappeared but there was an animal trail on the bushy downhill, we followed it and passed a pretty glassy hill (page 3) which led to the ascent ridge. The ridge had nice solid rocks to scramble.
From Serendipity Peak to Patterson’s Peak, the best way is to get down from the summit and aim the col between the 2 peaks (around GR635934). You have to traverse a long sidehill in order to do it. My GPS track stays on the ridge between Serendipity and Lineham Creek Peaks’s 4th Peak, because I tired to summit it. I didn’t know it was Lineham Creek Peaks while I was scrambling uhgggg (-_-;). The route was simple; there was a sub peak between which we went around. Other than that it was hike all the way up except for few spots.
We didn’t like the ascent route, so we decided to go different way. I won’t mention it here because it was longer bushwhacking and I am not sure if it was better… I think it was worse. It’s all Ben’s fault!!
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
From where we parked, we could see these pinnacles.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
After a long boring approach, finally we could see Serendipity… Ok that's it. I have been scrambling all the difficult names lately. From now on I will call difficult mountains "Chinaman's Peak"!! Lineham Creek 4th Peak on the left.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
Checking out alternate descent route.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
I found a feminine side of Andrea.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
There were few of these on the way up to Serendipity Chinaman's Peak.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
Gotta scramble wherever we can! Shaun climbing up.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
Mountains in Don Getty P.P. Mouseover.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
From top of Serendipity Chinaman's Peak, Wil, Andrea, Ben. Shaun taking picture, I am somewhere on the ridge, attempting to summit Lineham Creek 4th Peak.
(Photo By Shaun Luong)
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
Of course it's Lineham, juicy ridge!!
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
The juicy ridge suddenly became rotten… ( p_q)
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
I think an airplane hit this ridge. Debris everywhere.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
Patterson's Peak
- Location: Kananaskis Country (South)
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,728 m (8,951 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,770 m (5,807 ft)
- Distance: 19.6 km / Loop (12.2 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 10.2°
- Estimated Time: 8-11 hrs
- Technicality: Intermediate
- Fitness Level: Athlete
Patterson's Peak still far away.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
Dogtooth Mountain… This dog needs serious dental work.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
Finally at summit. The weather hold off in the morning but when we got to the top, it started turning nasty.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
Group pic. From left, So, Ben, Andrea, Shaun, and Wil. By the way the order indicates the age as well. Left being the youngest and I am the only teenager. See how tired right two look?
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
Another group pic on the way back at arch. This one was actually miss shot, but I liked this one better.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
It was hard to navigate in this condition.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
Rain and thunder. I felt electricity on my right pinky finger when a lightning hit somewhere close. I guess my pinky was the closest finger from metal poll.
Serendipity Peak to Patterson's Peak | 2010-07-10
After all the jokes I made from previous episodes from Skoki, Andrea still dare to bring her Hulk umbrella.