Saskatoon Mountain | 2012-06-03
What a day it was. I was staying at my Canadian family in Crowsnest. I only had 6 hours for unnamed 2 peaks traverse I was planning, so my plan was leave house at 6 then start hiking by 6:30. But then I forgot my lunch for scramble and Crowsnest being a small community all the stores were already closed. So I was force to start at 7 so that I can stop by Subway next morning. Well my plan didn't go as I planned. I wake up at 8... Worse more, my car got stuck at the parking at the trailhead. Despite it was only little wet, still it was slippery enough that my car couldn't go up 10 degree ramp to the road. Eventually students from U of A helped me out but by then I lost total of 4 hours of 6 hours I had... So I decided to do Saskatoon Mountain in Coleman which is truly walking distance from my house.
I parked right at where highway 40 becomes gravel road. (If you are not sure how to get HW40 from HW3, just turn to north right at Subway on HW3 then follow the road. You should see HW40 sign). There was a powerline which I could use to go up. The powerline led me to someone's backyard then I found a trail. I follow the trail to the summit.