Parker Ridge West Peak | 2011-04-24
Parker Ridge West Peak
- Location: Jasper National Park
- Activity: Snowshoeing
- Height: 2,340 m (7,678 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 340 m (1,116 ft)
- Distance: 4.8 km / Loop (3.0 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 8.1°
- Estimated Time: 2-3 hrs
- Technicality: Novice
- Fitness Level: Easy
After Boundry Peak, I came back my car just past 4 pm. I knew sun won’t go down until 9 so I decided to go for another one. I picked Parker Ridge. I didn’t use traditional trail to the Parker just to be safe about avalanche. Instead parked my car at Hilda parking which is only few hundred meters away from Parker’s parking. It’s just a hill walk like Nose Hill except it little steeper to plateau. I used skier’s up-track. I technically didn’t go to the highest point of Parker Ridge. I believe highest point is at the east end of the ridge. I stopped at another high point.
Parker Ridge West Peak | 2011-04-24
Hilda Peak from this side certainly look scary.
Parker Ridge West Peak | 2011-04-24
Ski tracks on Hilda Ridge.
Parker Ridge West Peak | 2011-04-24
By the way why is this ridge called Hilda Ridge? It's more like Athabasca Ridge since it connects to Athabasca not Hilda.
Parker Ridge West Peak | 2011-04-24
Nose Hill. Watch out for dog poop!!
Parker Ridge West Peak | 2011-04-24
Quite a view as well from Parker Ridge.
Parker Ridge West Peak | 2011-04-24
Hummm. Parker Ridge being closer to Calgary than Boundary Peak, I though for sure from Parker Ridge I could see Calgary but no.
Parker Ridge West Peak | 2011-04-24
What a huge and long cornices. It must have been 20 -30 m high. I am guessing this is created by the same effect when snow blow around a big rock and deposit around it. Only the difference is this one is created around a ridge.