Mount Temple 09 | 2009-08-02

Red line is the actual track I took up to where I went which was recorded by my GPS.
Red line is the actual track I took up to where I went which was recorded by my GPS.
After one year of waiting. I came back to try Temple again. The last time I was sick… or I should say I got sick as I was ascending. I suspected it was food poising from eating 7-11's sandwich. So this time, I prepared my own sandwich, but I didn't think about breakfast. I was out of milk, cereal, and yogurt. Basically everything that I eat in the morning usually. So I bought sandwich from 7-11 anyway... Eiffel Peak on the left, Pinnacel Mountain in the middle, and Mount Temple on the right.
At the col known as Sentinel Pass. Looking North.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
I forgot the name of this tower. Eiffel Tower? If you know please leave a comment. Does anyone know the height as well? I heard it is as tall as Calgary Tower.
Going up. Little stats. Temple is the 3rd tallest Southern Canadian Rockies and overall it's 11th tallest in Canadian Rockies. Its height is 3543 m and could be the tallest one you can scramble (without any technical gears).
At the crux. Search for the paint on rock.
However my party totally ignored the paint and went more difficult way. Still I say moderate scramble.
This is the view from the place I thought it was the peak, lol. I was the only one who was so excited while everyone else knew it wasn't the peak. I was like "we did it, WE DID IT!...? Oh what's that (← by seeing the real peak)?"
At the true summit. I drank up whole bottle of Gatorade. It only happened 4 or 5 times since last fall. Usually I only drink half by the time I reach summits. My body is adjusted so well I don't require much water, which is nice because I don't have to carry much water. Only time I drank more than one bottle is when my body condition is not good and I have to push myself harder. My condition was good that day. Simply the length and elevation gain of Temple made me drink more. After all we took 5 hours to the summit. With 5 hours with my pace usually means already done or descending for most of peaks.
Ok this is the view from true summit. As always mouse over to see names. Darn Lake Louise area, too many names… Names with a number are the famous 10 peaks.
While we were relaxing at the summit, two mountaineers came up from glacier route. WOW
Group picture. From left, the handsome boy So, Ali as always, Calvin, Arina, Palo, and Wil. Remember Calvin from Blackrock Mountain hike? The guy I met at the peak? We hocked up for this one, since Temple was his to do list. (Photo by Palo Chalupa)
Me and Larch Valley.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
Ok party's over, let's go home.
Well party wasn't over just yet for Calvin.