Mount Tecumseh | 2012-10-07

Mount Tecumseh was my last peak in Kane's Crowsnest section. I actually attempted it before but once I got bottom of it, I changed my mind and went up Phillipps Peak instead.
There are 2 ways to get to Tecumseh, from BC side or AB side. I always approach from AB side. I park near a railway crossing, Phillipps Pass is very close from there. After 3.5 km from the parking, I went off-road and started ascending. It is probably good idea to go off-road at a drainage but I was little impatient and I went up before the drainage. After this, the route is pretty straight forward. Follow the drainage and then curve slightly to NW to get to scree slope.
Scree and Ridge:
Not much to say. I went straight up a typical scree slope with some slabby sections then followed the ridge to the summit.
Many peaks near Crowsnest tend to be early season peaks. However this one is not one of them, maybe due to its shape and accumulate more snow.