Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
Mount Sparrowhawk III
- Location: Kananaskis Country (Highway 742)
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 3,121 m (10,240 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,415 m (4,643 ft)
- Distance: 10.0 km / Round Trip (6.2 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 15.8°
- Estimated Time: 6-9 hrs
- Technicality: Advanced
- Fitness Level: Hard
It was mandatory attendance to a COC event to Mount Sparrowhawk. Wil was coordinating the event and he texted me that he needed a driver… So for the third time, I summited Sparrowhawk. I have to say I like Sparrow. It’s defiantly my top 20 peaks for me and since I have done it 3 times in 3 years in a row in 3 different seasons, now I have to go back to Sparrow in 2011 in winter to complete Sparrowhawk 4 seasons in 4 years in a row.
We parked our cars at Sparrowhawk day use area. Trail starts the other side of the road right behind highway sign. We followed the trail all the way above treeline then followed a ridge to Read’s Tower. Once at the Read’s cliff, we ascended little steeper rubble slope along the cliff for a while. Where the cliff ended now we faced a wide open long long rubble slope all the way up to the summit block. Aim right side (south) of summit block. The route to the summit is behind it and it’s just a steep scree slope.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
I always like the view of Spray Lakes from here.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
Lovely rubble to go up forever and ever.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
Weather for this long weekend was not too nice. This day was the best of all 3 days. Little cold and windy at top, but much better than previous 2 days.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
Route-finding was so difficult. Mouseover for line.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
Can't help taking picture of Assiniboine.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
At the col. Love the look of cliff and drop.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
Going up more rubble to the summit.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
The last part, behind of the summit block is steep but as long as it's dry it's still easy scramble.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
I have been here three times now, but I only realized how far I can see from this summit. I could see Temple and Goodsir. But but but once gain I saw no bikini girls at the lake shore...
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
I think there were 4 parties including us, but 3 of them came to the summit at the same time even though we started different times.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
In my opinion, view from Sparrow is the best view of Mount Lougheed.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
Semi-Earth shot. What a drop.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
Wil and I decided to have fun with Sparrow's ridge.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
Sparrow is certainly one of my favorites.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
According to Wil this is where an experienced scrambler was killed by rockfall.
Mount Sparrowhawk 10 | 2010-10-11
I will come back in winter. That is one of my next year's goal.