Mount Lougheed | 2009-08-22
Red line is the actual track I took up to where I went which was recorded by my GPS. Having two cars will cut down 3 km of walking.
Red line is the actual track I took up to where I went which was recorded by my GPS. Having two cars will cut down 3 km of walking.
This is the entrance of drainage which Nugara's scramble book explains.
After uncomfortable bushwhacking/drainage walking, finally the first peak of Mount Lougheed peaks out.
But, BUT to get there we had to face with endless scree rubble… I know exactly what Mark was thinking.
Peak 1 is still rated difficult. Proceed with caution. Pinnacles in this route were quite interesting to see.
Looking at peak 2, the official peak of Lougheed. As I went higher and close to the peak 2, less and less my confidence became… Look at the beast. The book says lower-5th class climbing. (Any thing with 5 is considered as rock climbing) For those of you who are planning to do this route, mouse over to see close up of the crux. I didn't draw line on purpose, because I can't tell how I did it lol. Full credit to Mark's route finding skills to crack this bad boy. His navigation skill is pretty good as long as above tree line.
Still to the peak 1. Peak 1 had so many false peaks after one another. So don't get your hopes high.
This route would be excellent for winter condition for crazy carpeting in the Canadian Rockies (a book is coming out in 2015).
This is another excellent route for crazy carpeting!!
Typical scramble in this mountain.
ARRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrARrrrrrrrRrrrhhhHhhh!! I will rate this difficult crazy carpeting, jumper's carpeting.
The last hump before the peak 1. Examining the route.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
Finally the true summit!! Peak2, peak 3 (almost hidden), and peak 4 AKA Wind Mountain behind. It took us over 5 hrs at this point. We still got 2 more peaks to go.
Leaving the peak 1.
Ali going up. Canmore far away.
Me scrambling up. It's getting harder! Still series of lower-5th-class rock bands were waiting for us.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
Ali almost clearing the second last rock band before the peak 2.
Me challenging the last rock band. Lower-5th-class!! Though I thought it wasn't too bad at all, but then at this level it totally depends on individual's skills, confidence, and comfort level. I can't really speak of it in general.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
At the summit. Seeing peak 1, 3, and 4.
From here peak 1 looks horrifying. After all I didn't feel peak 1 was much easier than peak 2.
As the book describes, there is nothing BUT rubbles between peak 2 and 3. Only took us 30 min.
Peak 4, Wind Mountain, and ridge connected Mount Sparrowhark.
After 7.5 hrs, we have done all 3. Ali takes picture of himself. Me eating a hulk sandwich and Mark banging his head with the scramble book.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
Peak 4… Can't get up from here. Have to take another route from the other side. Surprisingly the route to peak 4 is only moderate.
On the way back I found this debris. I couldn't tell what it was, but has to be some type of aircraft.
Whole trip started from bushwhacking then rubble walking, and this trip was coming to end by rubble walking then more bushwhacking.
Ok, at least it was pretty decent.
Reminds me of Japanese temples' gardens, but this is natural.