Mount Lady Macdonald | 2009-08-15

Red line is the actual track I took up to where I went which was recorded by my GPS. I suggest to go early to beat the crowd as this trail is popular and the small parking lot can fill out real quick.
Red line is the actual track I took up to where I went which was recorded by my GPS. I suggest to go early to beat the crowd as this trail is popular and the small parking lot can fill out real quick.
Unstable weather gave us a present. The for peaks of Mount Lougheed and the three sisters peak out from cloud.
Da Da Da Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.暴れん坊将軍!! Sorry probably no one including Japanese people got this stupid joke…
The weather had been extremely unstable and unpredictable for last few days.
At the teahouse. We were the first party to started hike that day, but already there are few parties.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
Continued up scree.
Right before the famous ridge start. There are two ways you can take. One is stay below the ridge walk along slab or get up the ridge and walk on the ridge.
Ali completes the warm up ridge without a problem.
Earthshot on the ridge.
Arina challenges the first bit. Still managed to make a big smile.
The truth about taking photos at place like this. It's scary just standing still in some places. To take a picture, you have to get your camera. Then you have to hold the camera tight so that you don't drop it. Then you have to watch the monitor. Sometimes you have to twist your upper body to capture a nice shot. All of these mess up balance and take concentration away. Look at Mark. He's standing right against the edge.
Still more to go. You can see a cairn at the summit.
First half of ridge done. Now the second half.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
My mean green monster, the Hulk gloves make me violent!!
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
This is the sharpest part of the ridge where Kane describes as "the most demanding." It's doesn't appear to be sharp in the photo but it is. But right after this, there is the peak.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
Mark went beyond to the false peak.
Panorama shot. Ali at the right side, the true summit. Mark at the left side, the false summit.
This lady has never been captured quite like this before. Showing the second half of the entire ridge. Cool shot.
Party is over. Me approaching the sharpest part again.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
HELP!! Y(>_<、)Y
(Photo by Mark Evans)
The four peaks of Mount Lougheed. Funny that a week later we have done 3 of the 4 peaks…
The four peaks of dorks From front, Ali, me, Mark, Arina.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)