Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
Mount James Walker
- Location: Kananaskis Country (Highway 742)
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 3,035 m (9,958 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,200 m (3,937 ft)
- Distance: 18.0 km / Round Trip (11.2 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 7.6°
- Estimated Time: 8-11 hrs
- Technicality: Intermediate
- Fitness Level: Hard
Pink line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS. We avoided Nugara's ascent route and took his descent route due to snow condition. Suggested route is his ascent route. If you take his ascent route, technicality is advanced (moderate in the scramble book's rating).
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
We were hoping more peeps join this trip but some couldn't make it because of Halloween party aftereffects. Booooooo!!
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
Amazes me so much that how much snow this area got compared to Elbow-Sheep area where I was a day before. It's less than 20 km away from Mount Howard. Howard was pretty much dry, instead here it's snow covered all the way from the parking to the summit. Mountain in the center is James Walker.
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
This meadow was so pretty, I cannot imagine how beautiful it would be in summer. I guess I have to come back here in summer not only for meadow, but to do the ridge walk by taking Nugara's route.
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
Unfortunate no body had broke trail yet, so it was our job to do so all the way… It was mix of fresh snow and heavy old snow. Oh my GOD!!
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
4 peep-party. From left Calvin, Andrea and Ali.
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
With this condition it was all about mental and physical endurance. It was only the second time hiking with Andrea, but she proved me again, she is a tough woman.
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
Taking left turn to NW to the SE slope.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
After the turn, all you have to do is go up and up and up and up up up up.
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
Calvin decided to go to a little peak between James Walker and Inflexible.
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
As expected, as we went higher wind picked up and temperature dropped down. It wasn't as windy as the day before but it was colder. Me coming up.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
We could see the summit or at least that what we thought even from the bottom of this slope, but as we went higher, the summit seemed went farther away.
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
With more snow this slope would be a wonderful slope for ski.
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
Finally we got to the peak after 6.5 hours. Exposed section of James Walker's ridge in the center of this picture.
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
The north ridge which eventually connects to The Fortress. However I don't know if it is doable.
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
Blown ice particles in the air made the view mysterious.
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
Ali and Andrea at the summit cairn.
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
I defiantly want to walk that ridge. I guess James Walker is not done just yet for me.
Mount James Walker | 2009-11-01
It was a 10 hour hike and by the time we came back to the parking lot, it was dark. White mountains reflected light from the full moon. Because we had to break trail for miles, I was totally exhausted and when I got home, I went to sleep with all my outdoor cloth on. I was too tired to eat, drink, or change cloth. I was out.