Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
Mount Fortune
- Location: Kananaskis Country (Highway 742)
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,351 m (7,714 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 700 m (2,297 ft)
- Distance: 12.5 km / Round Trip (7.8 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 6.4°
- Estimated Time: 5-8 hrs
- Technicality: Intermediate
- Fitness Level: Easy
Pink line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS. To get to the lake, please refer my descent route (west route). It's easier and less bushwhacking. If you are doing this in summer, you have to either swim or ride bike. Stats here is only to Mount Fortune. For entire trip stats, please see page 10.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
Seeing Mount Fortune from Mount Nestor last week, I decided to do it as I like to hike mountains with cool names. Mouseover to see route to Mount Fortune. At point 1, I went right until it meets trees which is were rockband disappears. At point 2, it is bit steep. An ice axe and crampons may become necessary if snow becomes icy. I was still able to go up with snowshoes, but snow was too hard for boots.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
At shallow parts of Spary Lakes, there were cool looking ices.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
Wearing snowshoes helped a lot walking on ice.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
Suddenly it is already at the middle part of Mount Fortune.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
This was apparently a sheep colony. There were zillion droppings.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
And yes there were sheep. I wish I get as much attention from girls as I got from these sheep. (I REALLY do)
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
The summit is right there.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
Fortulent Peaks
- Location: Kananaskis Country (Highway 742)
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,525 m (8,285 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,100 m (3,609 ft)
- Distance: 16.3 km / Loop (10.1 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 7.7°
- Estimated Time: 8-11 hrs
- Technicality: Intermediate
- Fitness Level: Moderate
These peaks including the 3rd summit which you can see barely are all officially unnamed but Nugara nicknamed them Fortulent Peaks. Mouseover to see route.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
Pretty much hike until near the Fortulent Peak 1 then little bit of scramble. Fortulent Ridge. As expected, weather worsened little.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
Col between peak 1 and 2. An earthshot to entertain myself.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
Fortulent Peak 3 and beyond. Mount Turbulent is still few more peaks further.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
The strongest sun I saw that day.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
Nugara took a gully from Mount Fortune, but I took a gully from Fortulent Peak 1 for descent.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
The gully eventually becomes a creek and as it gets closer to the lake the creek gets bigger. This is right before the creek reaches the lake. There was a nice canyon and a waterfall.
Mount Fortune to Fortulent Peaks | 2010-01-30
I stopped at Macs in Canmore to spend my fortune I gathered from this hike. I didn't win. Not even a free try… Maybe I was supposed to come straight back after Mount Fortune…