Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
Mount Cory
- Location: Banff National Park (Townsite)
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,802 m (9,193 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,480 m (4,856 ft)
- Distance: 11.1 km / Round Trip (6.9 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 14.9°
- Estimated Time: 7-11 hrs
- Technicality: Advanced
- Fitness Level: Hard
Pink line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS. At the beginning, there are 2 routes to go up. Easy way up and scrambling way up. First half is very steep and Cory is one of these mountain which will make your legs cry on descent. I was lucky to have snow. Look for zillion cairns if you get lost. One thing I disagree with Kane's book, I think it should be rated as moderate instead of easy scramble. Cory involved more hands on scrambling than Cascade which somehow rated moderate. Cascade is almost hike...
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
Up to this point, the view wasn't impressive and rather boring and no rewards but had to work butt off to come up steep hill. Then suddenly view opened up and became enjoyable.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
I was lucky that somebody already broke trail for most of the way up. If there wasn't any I could have been out of energy before the summit.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
I don't know how far the cave goes, but there is a small hole into dark.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
I wasn't sure where was the summit. I thought, "That cannot be the summit, it's too far." And yes I was right it wasn't the summit. Can't see summit from here because it's even farther.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
There was an interesting rock formation.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
While mountains in Kananskis are getting bald lately, Banff still has "Winter".
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
3 peaks of Mount Edith. One thing screwed me up was I thought Edith is taller than Cory. I got confused while I was hiking, but I obviously memorized wrong. Mouseover.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
There are 3 or 4 steep slops to go up before the summit ("steep" for winter condition). This is I think the second last. This is also I believe where I lost trail… Now I had to make my own. T-T
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
Closer look at the steep ridge. Bring crampons not just for your safety but also they can make ascent easier.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
Finally the south summit in sight.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
Farther up, now both south (left) and north (right) summits in sight. Kane's book says both are equally high, but according to my GPS, north summit is 10m higher.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
Walking on ridge to the last slope.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
In winter condition I thought getting to south peak is more difficult than getting to north. But you need to get up south first to reach north anyway.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
A spectacular view from south summit. I was very very lucky, or I should say I was very prepared because I forgot my camera that day. But I had my old semi-broken camera ready to rock in my car. Otherwise, I would be here seeing this view without a camera. If I didn't have my camera, I would have just jumped off from here to end my misery.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
Leaving south summit for north summit. As you can see, there isn't much elevation gain/loss between these 2 summit.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
I think I got too close to cornice and it made an uncomfortable crack sound which made me cold sweat. Mouseover to see the crack.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
View from north summit. Mouseover for names.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
On the way back. Last photo of both summits.
Mount Cory | 2010-02-13
Took me 9.5 hours. Now that is with the help of snow trail existing 80% of the way up. I only wonder if I have to break trail, how long it would take… Mouseover for names.