Mount Cline | 2012-08-04
Without my knowledge I joined an ACC trip for Mount Cline. The organizer Benben didn't tell me it was an ACC trip. I thought it was private. So it was funny that I was denying I was with ACC at the carpool when I was asked.
To Bivy Site:
We parked our car at open grass area beside highway 11 right in front of Thomson Creek campground entrance. We could have parked near a bridge as well.
We stayed east side of Thompson Creek for about 1km from the highway then we crossed 2 log bridges. There was ok trail for next 3.2 km on south/west side of the creek until a gully near a big wall with small waterfalls (page 4).
The gully was like moraine, it was hard and hard to walk especially for descent with heavy backpack. We didn't really go all the way up on this gully but almost all the way, trail was below the first rockband where still tall trees were (page 5).
From there on we traversed side slope for miles and miles. Once on alpine terrain, the trail was very faintly and often couldn't see it.
The Ramp to Connecting Ridge:
You should be able to see trail going up from northwest end of the lake on east facing slope (page 10). We went up this ramp. Little lose but it is not as bad as it appears from the lake.
After the ramp we marched towards the col between GR201672 and GR211674. I made a big mistake at the col. By looking at topo and seeing a trail going up GR211674 (page 26), I thought we were supposed to gain elevation here then traverse the ridge but it was wrong. So don't follow the trail instead bypass GR211674.
The Two Notches:
They were located roughly at the centre of the connecting ridge between GR211674 and Cline. If I remember correctly, there was 1 piton between the 2 notches and 2 bolts at north side of the 2 notches.
To the summit:
The rest of the way up is easy scrambling. Perhaps if not for the notches, Cline maybe the easiest 11,000ers. I would rate this peak easy scrambling if there were no notches.
Oh my god this was rather lengthy report for a blogger who hates to write.