Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
Mount Bosworth
- Location: Yoho National Park
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,771 m (9,092 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,120 m (3,675 ft)
- Distance: 7.6 km / Round Trip (4.7 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 16.4°
- Estimated Time: 5-8 hrs
- Technicality: Expert.2a
- Fitness Level: Hard
For the August long weekend, we returned to Yoho NP. Our objective this week was to summit three 2770 meterers (Bosworth 2771 m, Wapta Mtn 2778 m, and Sheol 2779 m). The first day on Saturday, we summited Bosworth.
We parked our car at side of Lake O’Hara access road. From there we had to walk about 470 m on highway 1 but that’s nothing. You can hitchhike or carjack a car also. We were quite confused about Kane’s route as the angle of his picture didn’t really help us to understand where the avalanche gully was from the road. Please see page 2 for our route line. After 470 m on highway, we could see an avalanche slope which eventually hit rockbands (Page 3). We took that line to gain elevation. Once we reached the rockband, we turned to the right and walked along the band (page 4) and we came to another open avalanche gully which was actually Kane’s route in the book I think. We followed the gully. The gully eventually went above treeline, then lead us to wide open scree slope. We found a trail on the scree slope. This trail first went to the left to the top of cliff band. If you keep going farther to the left (west), this will be Kane’s route or our descent route. However more obvious trail went up to the right towards a col from the top of the cliff band which is our ascent route (page 7). I liked our ascent route as ascent and our descent route as descent because Kane’s route (our descent route) involved loose rubble slope. Also we had fun doing off-route scrambling on our ascent route as well. After going up the col, we stayed on ridge until another big bump. We went to the left to avoid the bump and walked sidehill for little while until we merged to a gully which is Kane’s route (page 10). The on-route crux was defiantly the last 30 m as the book describes.
For descent we followed Kane’s route. One advice here is I suggest to follow our ascent route after below treeline and walk back along the rockband I described in page 4 in order to avoid unnecessary bushwhacking where I put waypoint “Bushwhack”.
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
Route line from where we parked. Sorry the line seems to come down very close to the highway but it's wrong. The avalanche slope is about 500 m away from Lake O'Hara road.
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
The avalanche slope.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
At the end of the avalanche slope, we hit the rock!!
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
Off-route scrambling for warm up.
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
Orange rocks.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
Ascent/descent junction. To right for rubble route, to left for scramble/sidehill route.
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
This is scramble/sidehill route. Orange line is my off-route scramble route, "bachelor's route". Red line is normal route.
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
Nice to be a bachelor.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
Merging into rubble route. Gully gully gully…
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
(Photo By Shaun Luong)
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
Last 30 m of joy scramble!!
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
Unlike two weeks ago, it was Smokey. Shaun said there might have been local forest fire.
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
Lake Louise / Lake O'Hara area.
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
I look like 5 month pregnant.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
Group pic. From left, me, Shaun, and Ali. We asked Ali to include Victoria and this time he DID what we asked.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
Ali jumping for his life. The distance was about 5 m wide, the drop was about 3000 m deep.
(Photo By Shaun Luong)
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
Shaun downclimbing near summit scramble part.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
We camped at Monarch Campground.
Mount Bosworth | 2010-07-31
You get to know more about buddies by spending nights. I found out Shaun's new boots are women's. I also found out that he wears panties and bras as well. If you see him at women's clothing department in MEC. Please welcome him.