Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Mount Ball
- Location: Kootenay National Park
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 3,311 m (10,863 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 2,230 m (7,317 ft)
- Distance: 18.7 km / One Way (11.6 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 6.8°
- Estimated Time: 10-14 hrs
- Technicality: Advanced
- Fitness Level: Athlete
Above stats is from Marble Canyon Campground to our camp spot at GR670669. Not car-to-car stats.
We parked our car at a big water tank in Marble Canyon Campground near section H & J. From the campground entrance follow direction sings to H. Once you get to H, ignore the loop road goes into H and continue driving. Next 50 m or so, you should see the water tank and an access road to the tank on the left.
From the water tank, there was an unused road goes along Haffner Creek for maybe 500 m until it hit a canyon. Go up hill on the left of creek to above canyon and look for orange tapes. There is hardly any trail but the tapes will guide you the entire way till above treeline near GR659667 (waypoint “Cairn 3”). You can always find the tapes on left side (north side) of the creek either right beside the creek (most of the time) or at maximum 40 m away from the creek. In my opinion, it was grasswhacking rather than bushwhacking and if you are fresh, grasswhacking for 3 hours isn’t bad at all. Though I have to admit the grasswhacking on the way back to the car with heavy pack at the end of the day was little tiring and irritating.
We find a very pretty site to camp at alpine meadow and dropped our gears at waypoint “Campsite”. Depending on the time of the year, you may not have water source so you have to look for a spot where water is still running. Now with much lighter pack, we headed to a fun rubble slope to get to the col between Beatrice and Ball (page 9). Once at the col, follow the ridge to the summit of Ball. If you do Ball first then you can take an alternate gully descent from Beatrice. We find the alternate gully was pretty enjoyable and defiantly time saver.
Note: We couldn’t find summit register at Ball, so if you read this TR and don’t mind bringing one, please do so. Funny thing that we did find summit register at Beatrice though. However Beatrice’s summit register was stuck very tightly in a crack. It took Vern 10 min to get it out. So I think we should take it to the next level. If you read this TR and don’t mind bringing glue, I don't think I need to say more.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-13
Andrea and I left city on Friday after work for this weekend's scramble. She came directly from work. She opened her backpack from work and I saw Spiderman lunch box… Seriously Andrea? You are sooooo cool. lol
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-13
We stayed at Marble Canyon Campground for a night.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Park guy told us that there is bear activity in the camp. Only few hundred meters away from the camp, we encountered a grizzly.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
7 km of grasswhacking. If grass is wet, waterproof pants are recommended. Also stay back because then you won't be as wet as your buddies and you get to laugh at them if they slip.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
So many purple flowers. I think these flower grow out of struggle from scramblers who have come here.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
After a long boring grasswhacking, this pretty alpine meadow is a reward.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Helping Vern's quest for Kane scramble. Eric Coulthard also joined this trip. I didn't ask Eric if he remembers this, but it was me who emailed him quite a while ago if he have done Mount Coulthard in Crowsnest Pass.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Long rubbles to go up. Mouseover for line. We went Ball first by aiming a small waterfall where we could easily clear the rockband. On descent we took alternate route from Beatrice Peak.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Wow… Vern, Andrea, and Eric going up this rubble on the right of the picture.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
At the Beatrice / Ball col, we could see glacier. Very nice!!
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Beatrice Peak behind Andrea.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
There was one bump between the col to summit which looked scary from distance, but it was moderate scramble.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Unlike previous weekend when I did Isabelle Peak just south of Ball, the air was so smoky and didn't have good view. I was very very very pleased that it was a different story this week, especially how awesome the view was from Ball.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Definitely worth bushwhacking for sure!!
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Vern ahead. The last slope to the summit.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
At this altitude, I started to feel the air thinning, and I was breathing hard while Andrea kept going like nothing have changed… What does she feed herself? Maybe the secret is in her Spiderman lunch box. I'd better get Spiderman lunch box too.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Lake Louise area. Mouseover for names.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Andrea's silly smile. I love it when she makes silly smile. Makes me laugh.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
At the summit after 6 hours from my #88 Dale Earnhardt Jr. power leveled up car !!
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Me being snow lover, walking on snow was refreshing!!
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Funny that the reason why Andrea wanted to do Ball was because she saw this huge mountain from Shadow Lake. The reason why I wanted to do Stanley (next day) was because I saw it from Stanley Glacier trail… What simple people we are… LOL
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Group pic from the summit. From left, Vern, Eric, Andrea, then me. By the way, can you tell who's from Edmonton which is about 30 m south of the north pole?
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
We were joined by another group of 3 (2 real people and 1 imaginary person). Going back to the col.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Didn't take much to get to the summit of Beatrice. I have to say Beatrice is the tallest small peak I have done so far. It's still 3125 m tall.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Action shot from alternate descent gully. It was very loose so we had to stick close.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Back to camp spot. My Hilton according to Vern.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
We patiently waited for sunset.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
My favorite picture from this weekend.
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Canadians are funny peeps. All 3 of them brought body bags. Why do they want to sleep in a body bag? I thought I was the one with most death wish…
Mount Ball to Beatrice Peak | 2010-08-14
Mount Ball and stars. I hope you can see because I found that depending on monitor it's hard to see.