Little More McDougall | 2010-02-07
Little More McDougall
- Location: Kananaskis Country (Highway 40)
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,538 m (8,327 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,150 m (3,773 ft)
- Distance: 14.0 km / Round Trip (8.7 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 9.3°
- Estimated Time: 5-8 hrs
- Technicality: Intermediate
- Fitness Level: Hard
Pink line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS. I took Old Baldy trail for a while. Look for a small cairn at GR325384 which is the turn off from Even-Thomas Fire Road. Don't be like me I was too busy thinking about girls and completely missed the turn. Even worse, I was still too busy thinking about girls I didn't check where I was going and didn't realize I missed the turn 2 km back... (Stats here is without my detour.)
Little More McDougall | 2010-02-07
Pretty much most of ascent route can be seen from here.
Little More McDougall | 2010-02-07
Up to this elevation, terrain was the steepest. It was bit hard for me that day because I was little tired from a Nugara trip (more than 10 hour hike) a day before.
Little More McDougall | 2010-02-07
Actually I was going to scramble my secret location I wanted to do, but the mountain looked more like mountaineering than winter scrambling, so I had to go for a backup plan. I had several plans but somehow I decided to go a place I didn't do any research. So at this point, I didn't know where I was going and where I would stop.
Little More McDougall | 2010-02-07
Old Baldy Mountain still has much snow. It was only 3 months ago we tried it… (Mouseover to see picture from before) Only maniac would scramble such place in winter. ANDREA IS MANIAC! SHAUN IS MANIAC! WIL IS MANIAC! ALI IS MANIAC! KINU IS MANIAC!
Little More McDougall | 2010-02-07
Only a part of the big traverse from Wasootch Peak to Mount McDougall in More Scramble book. I am still doubting that can be done…
Little More McDougall | 2010-02-07
I stopped at GR357404. I don't know if the small peak is nicknamed or not, so I named it "Little More McDougall" since there is Little McDougall.
Little More McDougall | 2010-02-07
180 degree view of a beautiful day in mountains.
Little More McDougall | 2010-02-07
Mountains along HWY40. Mouseover to see names. I heard over the radio that Jean Chrétien was going to go skiing that weekend because he promised to go skiing if Olympics comes to Vancouver.
Little More McDougall | 2010-02-07
Surprisingly many peaks south of here are not named. Mouseover to see names again.
Little More McDougall | 2010-02-07
Mount McDougall NW face. Very impressive.
Little More McDougall | 2010-02-07
I like to sink into my thoughts (not all thoughts are about girls by the way). I like to take transit because while I am on public transportation, I can sink into my thoughts. But I never did that while I hike, even though I do go solo quite bit. It was stunningly warm, calm, and sunny day. I had lunch at the peak then sank in my thoughts for nearly one hour. It was the best place to do that I found.