Little Bertha | 2009-12-26

Pink line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS. There is a little parking lot at the trailhead but I had to park at Cameron Falls Parking due to snow.
Pink line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS. There is a little parking lot at the trailhead but I had to park at Cameron Falls Parking due to snow.
Frozen ices were pushed toward shore.
After hours of snowshoeing, finally arrived at Bertha Lake. I don't know how this can be created but it looks very neat.
Bertha Lake and Bertha Peak on the right. I took the ridge to get up the smaller peak left of Bertha Peak and that what I call 'Little Bertha'.
Branches are bloomed with snow flowers.
Going up the ridge. Little Bertha on the left and Bertha Peak on the right.
I was quite surprised how much snow up here. Elevation wise peaks in Waterton are not as high as many of central Canadian Rockies which I usually go, but defiantly there was more snow than most of peaks I have done this early winter.
Just as I reached Little Bertha, sun fell into the horizon of Mount Alderson. Mouse over to see names.
Even from here Bertha Peak was little far. My plan was to go there but I decided not to. It would have added at least 2 hours from here if I kept going. Sucks to be winter and almost shortest day of the year.
Still it was an enjoyable solo hike. I made a good use of a warm winter day instead of rushing to stores for Boxing day sales.
There are 4 lakes in this picture but as closely located as they are, 2 of them are semi frozen and one is 100% frozen and one is 100% not frozen. I thought it is interesting.
One more picture of snow flower.