Limestone Mountain | 2010-09-26
I went Limestone Mountain with COC. Limestone is one of these questionable peaks which really don’t deserve to have an official name in my opinion…
As I suspected, finding trail and staying on trail was the most difficult thing about this mountain. As Nugara’s book describes, we stayed on left of a creek from parking lot. Soon the creek curved left against a cliff. We were blocked and forced to go up hill. Apparently everyone finds themselves in the same situation we found a decent trial from there. However the trail was not fully developed. It was very easy to lose it. We kept finding and losing trail, so my advice to you is make sure you know which direction you are going to get the ridge (page 2 for route line). Just about above treeline on the ridge, you can go right (east) and stay below ridge top to get to the summit or you can scramble up staying on the ridge to the summit. Both ways worked fine for us.
From the summit we followed Nugara’s extra bonus ridge walk. However this bonus ridge is taller than Limestone. This ridge was easy west side but as we get closer to the Wedge, the ridge became more and more exposed and narrower and no longer moderate level. Good news is you can quite anytime.
We picked a gully to descent. It wasn’t a pleasant descent because it was little steep, easy to trigger rock falls, and hard rubble was hard on knees. Luckily we found a trail about halfway down at waypoint “Find Trail”. My another suggestion is follow the trail for a while until near blue line and find the ascent trail for rest of the way down than keep going along creek like we did. Once the little creek merges bigger creek, it became little too deep to cross it without getting boots soaked.