Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Isabelle Peak
- Location: Kootenay National Park
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,938 m (9,640 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,550 m (5,086 ft)
- Distance: 20.9 km / Round Trip (13.0 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 8.4°
- Estimated Time: 7.5-11 hrs
- Technicality: Advanced
- Fitness Level: Athlete
My GPS track went little wild on ascent route. If you use my track please consider some inaccuracy.
We parked at Floe Lake parking and headed to Hawk Creek trail. This single track tail was fairly maintained and helped us a lot to ease this long approach route. After about 7 km, we came to the bottom of avalanche path at GR704631 (page 5). We went off-trail towards the peak. Soon after turning off from the trail, we reached a rockband. Look for a cairn. There is a easy way up. After the rockband, I think it is worth mentioning that there is another route to the summit beside Kane’s gully route. Rather than scrambling up gully you can also take south ridge to gain elevation (page 7). This may add extra 500 m but less walk on lose rocks. In my opinion the ridge route is easier and more enjoyable for both ascent and descent. Though the gully route wasn’t too bad either. These 2 routes meet up again at near waypoint “Cairn 3”. There is a one sub peak between Cairn 3 and the summit. You can go over the peak or go left (south) to avoid the peak (page 11). Probably the crux was the gully before the summit (page 12 & 13). Kane rates moderate/difficult and I agree. The gully wasn’t exactly moderate but not exactly difficult. It’s somewhere between. However I can see if snow is on the gully it will be very difficult, so dry condition preferred.
It was too bad that air was so smoky that I didn’t get to enjoy the view as much as it could have been still Looking at Mount Ball’s glacier was pretty impressive.
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Following Hawk Creek trail.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Smoke is getting worse. I think it was worse than last week.
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Turn off place from Hawk Creek trail.
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Usual off-route scrambling.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Mouseover for route lines. Andrea and Ali went on Kane's gully route (right line). However I went my own route ridge route (left line). I came down gully route. I say ridge route is probably better for both ascent and descent.
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Closer to the end of ridge route. Andrea and Ali on slope.
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Ridge top. Looking down gully route and Ali.
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Andrea resting. Eye on Copper Mountain and Pilot Mountain.
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Traversing a big bump before the summit bump.
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Summit on sight. Mouseover for line.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Scrambling up the last gully before summit.
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Mount Ball's glacier was very impressive.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Off-route scrambling resulting a shortcut to the summit. Beating Andrea (left side of the summit block) to the summit. The man rules!!
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
At summit. Mount Ball pretty much dominates the area.
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Checking topo map for peak names.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Group pic at summit. From left, Andrea, me, then Ali. I suspect by talking to them, they don't check my website! How dare!! Since they don't check this, I decided to write about them.
Ali Booba:
- Special Skills: Make rock falls. He stays at the last on descent and makes rock falls on his party members. Normally Shaun is the casualty. He should be charged with murder attempts and damaging national parks.
- Favorite Food: Apple. He brings 5 apples and that's all. Never seen him bringing anything else.
- Nick name: He used to call himself Ali Baba. However after he broke his nose, he was supposed to get his nose fixed instead rumor says they gave him boob job. Since then we call him Ali Booba.
- Oversized Backpack: Who brings backpacking backpack for day hikes? Buy smaller pack cuz his backpack pretty much occupies all the space available in trunk.
- Alzheimer’s: At his young age, he's already unable to remember peaks he's done.
Andrea B:
- Special Skills: Once she gets in her "takes no prisoner" mode, it's impossible to keep up with her. She will leave us all behind.
- Twisted femininities: Instead of having many pairs of shoes like normal women, she collects pairs of hiking boots. She also owns 5 bikes instead of closet full of clothes. Also she can be easily attracted by rocks or fossils instead of jewels.
- Interests in Animals: She can be easily entertained by animals encountered while hiking. Marmot seem to be her favorite. She also has tendency to chase ptarmigan.
- Lazgirl: She has to have comfortable rocks to lean and rest at summits. Normally she picks a spot where sheltered from wind. All I have to do is watch her until she settles then I go to the same spot for comfort.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
On descent we took slightly different route on the crux gully. There was one down climb move that was tricky.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
Weather forecast was sunny with clouds all day. High of 24. We didn't get much of sun, but we sure did got rain. Temperature near summit was 5. So it was probably 3 or so at top. This is AUGUEST. Normally some people dies by heat in the rest of the world.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Isabelle Peak | 2010-08-07
In spring, it was dead tree and green. In summer it was dead tree, green and pink. Very pretty.