Holy Cross Mountain | 2009-08-03
Red line is the actual track I took up to where I went which was recorded by my GPS.
Red line is the actual track I took up to where I went which was recorded by my GPS.
Holy Cross Mountain. The last day of August long weekend triple hike. Due to rain condition we picked easier mountain than the original plan. After a long walk, we had to get off the trail. Bushwhack bushwhack for a long time.
Finally by getting lost and went farther than we had to (only if Mark had more faith with my GPS) we got out of tree.
Mark, scrambling. We have quite a few nicknames for this guy. "Crazy guy from UK", "Ridge walker", "Bush master". He owned "Bush Master" after leading the party to the world of wonderful bushwhacking at Arethusa, Holy Cross, and Kananaskis Peak. My party doesn't trust my GPS. Ask Kevin who's been hiking with me for more than 20 times. He won't question my GPS!!
We scrambled all the rocks appeared in front of us instead of going around like we didn't know how to turn.
Ali challenging the one of the two most difficult rocks we scrambled.
Me and woman's gardenin… The Incredible Hulk gloves!! Mark looking after my wallet in case it fall off.
(Photo by Ali Shariat)
All the way up it was covered by cloud, but when we got on the ridge, for 3 minutes, it cleared.
Ridge walker disappearing in the mist.
Ali and I followed.
(Photo by Mark Evans)
I think this is from Mark's camera. Very cool picture. Ali standing on the summit.
(Photo by Mark Evans)
At the summit. I don't know what Mark was checking with the map.