Grizzly Peak North Route Attempt | 2009-02-21
Pink line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS. This is north route attempt parking at Grizzly Creek.
Pink line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS. This is north route attempt parking at Grizzly Creek.
This is Grizzly Peak. Supposed to park on the side of HW at Ripple Rock Creek, but I couldn't due to too much snow on the road. So I was force to try from North side.
Kananaskis Range.
Quite impressive cliff band.
Between this unnamed neighbor and Grizzly Peak also officially unnamed, there is Grizzly Creek which cuts these mountains in two pieces.
I was hoping I could go around the cliff band from North side just like South side, but it was too steep. So I decided to practice scramble. Find 2 spots on the cliff.
Lower Kananaskis Lake and Front Range?
The condition was dry like summer not like winter. It's been a while since I have done scramble.
Another pic of the Lake.