Grizzly Peak | 2010-11-07
Finally after 3 failed attempts, I conquered Grizzly Peak!! The last attempt was the worst of all. Late spring crunchy snow condition made ascent pretty much impossible. It only took me to go as high as I was in less than 30 min in dry condition instead of 90 min.
I parked at side of road right at south side of a bridge over Ripple Rock Creek. Trailhead is north side of the creek and you shouldn’t have problem seeing it from the road. The trail pretty much took me near the summit. There were some forks along the way but all trails went parallel to each other. It got steeper and steeper going up to the col between Mount Evan-Thomas and Grizzly, but the good news was from the col to the summit was like hiking on Nose Hill in Calgary.
Somebody said it on a website that Grizzly is possibly the shortest scramble in Kane’s book. When I read that I kind of agreed but Ha Ling Peak is shorter for sure. Maybe Tower of Babel might be even shorter…