Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
Mount Collembola
- Location: Kananaskis Country (Highway 40)
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,781 m (9,124 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,495 m (4,905 ft)
- Distance: 18.5 km / Loop (11.5 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 9.2°
- Estimated Time: 9-12 hrs
- Technicality: Advanced
- Fitness Level: Hard
Pink line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS. We took Marmot Basin for our approach. Be aware of the false summit's rock bands. Look for a weakness in rock bands. We find a weakness at SW end of the false summit.
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-07
I took this picture from near Mount McDougall. This shows the entire route.
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
Fisera Ridge near the weather station. (At least we believed the thing we saw at the ridge is the weather thingy that gather data for Environmental Canada.) Both peaks of Mount Allan and Mount Collembola can be seen from here.
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
Actually we ended up Fisera Ridge by accident. We followed nicely pounded snowshoe trail too long, and missed a turn to SE ridge of Mount Collembola. But I am glad we came this way, because the view was so much more enjoyable here than SE ridge route.
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
We could have kept going towards Mount Allan, but we got off the ridge to aim Collembola. Nice and study terrain.
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
My buddies on the ridge. Sorry Aga, Andrea, Wil, and Ali for my behavior that day. I kinda pushed you all away and took off. Didn't really waited for you guys. I was trying to isolate myself because I was feeling down and didn't want to talked to anyone. Hehehe.
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
Andrea coming down a hill.
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
It was a coincident that Nugara did this one on the day of Super Bowl. Not quite the day of Super Bowl, but we did it on the weekend of Super Bowl, although I didn't know. After living in North America for 10 years including 4 years in US, I don't really care about football. For me rather It was the day of Bud Shootout at Daytona as I am a hardcore NASCAR fan!! Boogli boogli boogli let go racing boys!! Unfortunately, I couldn't see even the end of the race...
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
Summit you see here is a false summit.
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
This is at the first of two rock bands. If you are confident as far as I could see the first one looked doable, but not really sure if it is really doable. Couldn't see all the way down. The summit in this picture is the true summit.
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
What a beautiful day and a beautiful place to be. Mouseover for names.
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
We spent quite a bit to find a weakness in rock bands so that we could avoid the downclimb.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
There were a few slippery sections but we were successful.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
The col between false and true summit.
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
Finally we summit it. Took us 7 hours to get here. Overall it took us 10.5 hours which means this trip is classified as "Nugara's trip". (Hikes which takes longer than 10 hours.)
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
Group picture from left, Andrea, Wil, Aga, Ali, and soistheman.
(Photo By Ali Shariat)
Fisera Ridge to Mount Collembola | 2010-02-06
We took SE ridge for descent. It was dry and I had fun with scree run on soft scree. First time since last fall to enjoy scree run!!