East End of Mount Rundle | 2009-05-02
Red line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS.
Red line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS.
Ha Ling Peak. It's actually quite identifiable shape.
Looking at the path to the East summit. Mount Rundle is a long long mountain. (About 13 km) The actual summit is West end, closer to Banff town.
As much snow there was, still Rundle was one of the driest mountain I could see. There was a snow storm last week and the snow didn't melt much.
Kananaskis Countries, Smith-Dorrien area. Snow makes mountains prettier for sure.
We were originally planed to ridge walk towards West, but there were too much snow and decided to stay only at the East summit which is on the right side of the picture.
Kevin already reached the summit while I was taking pictures.
Phew, it was rather hard hike because I wasn't in the best condition. I felt tired too soon.
It was unexpectedly very nice view.
Next year I will come back with a crazy carpet and I will slide down the hill. I'm going for broke.
Tip of the summit of Mount Assiniboine. One day I hope I will be there.
Two polar bears!! How did they get here?