Big Sister | 2011-09-10
I wanted to do something medium and Big Sister was the perfect peak for that. Not only it’s short but also by completing this peak, I finished Kane’s Canmore / Bow Valley section. Finally no more view of Canmore at least from Kane’s book!
Apparently there are two trails for this peak. One is main route (pink line) and the other is drainage route (red line). The trails merge but I think drainage route was created by people who missed main trail on the way back just like I did. In my opinion the main trail is better even though both work just fine. The route I describe is the main route here.
From the parking lot, follow a trail towards the peak. Within a few minutes from the parking, the trail hits a drainage. The main trail crosses the drainage to the other side. If you stay right side (east side) or follow the drainage, you will go to the drainage route I mentioned.
SW Ridge:
From treeline, this ridge gets nasty. It’s scree, slab , even worse, scree on slab… Technically yes it is moderate, but you should treat this one more like doing difficult scramble because of this harsh footing.
There are two sections that required downclimbing. Right after above treeline, I scramble up an overhang rock to get on slabby backbone, then soon cairn indicated to downclimb to bottom of the backbone (page 3 & 4). The other one was about 130 m below the summit (page 8 & 12). Both are again moderate but the height is quite high for moderate scramble. Maybe 5 to 7 m.
After the second downclimb, simply go up left side of backbone to the summit.