Mount Lougheed Attempt | 2010-09-19

My second attempt to go-over-cloud scramble. After the first try at Mount Rae which I miserably failed to go over cloud, I learned few things. Snow condition is no good. It adds difficulties especially if there is ridge like Mount Rae. Stay northeast where more likely it will be rain and not snow. So this time I went to Mount Lougheed, direct approach.
Just like the last time, driving from Calgary to mountains, it looked promising rainy day and cloud was so low. I parked my car on side of road right at the trailhead. It was still raining and not snowing. Everything was according to plan at this time. I follow the trail until waypoint “Cairn 1” where trail disappeared. I went right (south) to find new trail. If you can’t find trail, no worry, bushwhacking only last for a short distance and tree and trail will disappear soon enough anyway. Walking on valley after the cairn was nice. I have to say it would have been much nicer if grass was still green and weather was sunny. I kept going and arrived at the bottom of Lougheed. I looked up and realized few things… The peak was under cloud… I couldn’t see terrain to determine route… (Oh yeah I forgot I haven’t done this one from this route before) Rain or snow condition didn’t matter because previous cold weather already dumped enough snow to make ascent difficult at higher elevation, there was much snow up there… And the worst of all, this RAIN!! My new cheap waterproof-breathable was not much waterproof. I was wet and cold. I didn’t want to go higher and get even colder…
I know I know, you can call me loser again… Darn it!!