Mount Rae 2010 | 2010-08-29

It was August. AUGUST!! Where I grow up, Japan, police won’t arrest peeps who walk street in naked because it’s too hot in August… Ok maybe it’s a lie, but I personally encourage peeps to do so. Here in the Canadian Rockies, it’s a totally different story. It was -8° at the top of Mount Rae. Wind was blowing and nearly a foot of snow up there...
In the first place, why was I there? Well according to Nugara, he has had 4 scrambles which he went above clouds in his career. This means about 600 / 4 equals to once in 150 trips… I have done more than 150 but yet I haven’t experienced thatヾ(。`Д´。)ノ彡Not only that he has also scrambled Yukness with the famous bikini girl, I HAVEN’T!! Knowing my luck with ladies, I have no hope of scrambling with bikini girls (ノ◇≦。), but I have full of hope to go above clouds!! Since the last winter I came up with this genius plan. When it’s a solid rainy day, I go up a high peak then I will be above clouds. I waited entire winter so that I can go to a high peak in just wet (not snow) condition.
The day finally came. It was unforgettable August 29, 2010. I picked Mount Rae because it’s short distance, not much elevation gain, but it’s 3218 m high. The perfect place to be!! Driving from Calgary to Highway 40, it was promising rainy day, but closer I got to Highwood, it wasn’t raining, but it was snowing. Everything was white… Ok slight change in my plan…
So did it actually happen? Let’s put it this way. You can call me moron for having such plan… You can call me idiot for actually attempted it… Finally you can call me loser for actually it didn’t happen!! Heck! I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care I will do it again and yes pretty girls can call my cell too.
Due to enormous disappointment, I have no energy left to write an actual route description…