Diary 2004-2005 | 2004-12-23
Aska kept eating. Soon she will be an American and dies by heart attack.
Aska kept eating. Soon she will be an American and dies by heart attack.
Millenario, the gates of lights. This gates goes like a mile and people's line goes like 5 miles...
See miles and miles...
Happy new year, and my brother's family kept eating. Soon they will be Americans and die by heart attack.
Well take picture of entire family.
Well well well. It took me 10 minutes to get out of a train station because of the people, and then I had to find Tomo from here.
Kayoko came to visit us as well as Sarah, another Otterbein grads. I wonder my friends from Otterbein ever come to visit me...hummm. I welcome Dale Jr.!
Yoshi's hand
We did print club thingy... What kind of sick joke is this!! I am a 27 year old men must not do such thing!
Aska playing with naked dolls. I am very worried about her future.
Dad in Kagoshima.